Fight For Kansas City Composting Sparks Social Media Mudslinging

The debate around this dump was intense . . . However . . . These farmer activists argue that tough tactics were required to change the status quo and maybe save the world by way sustainable work.


"Brooke Salvaggio and Dan Heryer have confronted a months-long fight to continue operating their urban composting site at Urbavore — rallying support against violations from the city of Kansas City, Missouri, and once again seeking to pioneer a solution that allows city codes and processes to grow along with their farm and the budding industry."

Read more via link . . .

Urban farmer's composting operation gets in 'deep trouble' with city; why she's thankful for the opportunity to cultivate change

Being pioneers on the Kansas City urban farming scene can be a tough row to hoe, admitted Brooke Salvaggio noting the challenges she's faced with Urbavore Farm and Compost Collective KC are just the latest season on an evolving agricultural landscape.
