Clip: Excelsior Springs Police Chase Down Mobile Home On The Run

A quick description and link to the drama . . .

Or . . .

Another glimpse at the housing market getting out of hand . . .

Or . . .

Mortgage rates CLEARLY on runaway pace . . .

Here's the story . . . Tip your waitresses . . .

Driving south along U.S. 69 through Excelsior Springs, police grew concerned.

“He was traveling all over the roadway,” Excelsior Springs Police Sgt. Kyle Craven said in the video. “We thought he might have been drunk.”

Police were unsuccessful in getting the truck, which was traveling around 30 mph, stopped until the driver took a wild left turn at Cameron Road in Mosby, where the driver pulled the house through a culvert and crashed, according to a Facebook post with video of dashcam footage from the incident.

Read more via link . . .

Dangerously mobile home: Excelsior Springs police involved in pursuit with truck towing house

Excelsior Springs police are thankful nobody got hurt during a highway pursuit with a house last Thursday. The driver was suspected of DUI.
