Westwood, Kansas Kills Its Only Park

Follow the money here . . . The math is pretty simple.

There's an idea that will generate revenue for the city . . . And then a fun place for families that's empty most of the time.

Check the damage . . .

"The six-member council’s decision allows for 7.6 acres of land made up of three adjoining parcels to be rezoned so the Karbank Real Estate Co. can build an office and retail development on part of the land. The parcels include the 1-acre Joe D. Dennis Park, 1.8 acres of vacant city property once occupied by the Westwood Christian Church at 5050 Rainbow Blvd., and part of the 4.8 acres of property at 2511 W. 50th St., the location of the former Westwood View Elementary School."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Despite objections, Johnson County city approves office park to replace city park

The city council voted 5 to 1 to OK the development of offices and retail.
