Troy Schulte Backs Up Royals Downtown Stadium EPIC Numbers

And/or . . .

A glimpse of camaraderie at the courthouse . . .

County Administrator Troy Schulte says the county currently guarantees both Missouri and the city's contributions to the teams out at the Truman Sports Complex.

"It's a lot of money whether it's four billion or five billion or six billion, it doesn't matter," Schulte said. "It's a lot of money, separate and distinct from what the cost of the stadium is."

He also said the county gives the Royals 20% of their park levy, and they cover the insurance costs of the stadium. The document leaked Thursday that was originally meant for mainly the county legislature, showed the insurance costs for the stadium rising 10% every year.

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County administrator backs up Royals stadium cost estimate

Officials in the Jackson County executive's office are reacting to the document leaked to FOX4 last Thursday.
