Show-Me Library Smut Crisis Overblown?!?

Interesting angle & quote in this story . . .

It seems that outcry against public library crackdown might be a bit exaggerated and there's very little in the way of censorship  . . . Just greater (and justified) concern about keeping smut way from youngsters and/or letting parents have more say over what their youngsters are reading . . . Check-it:

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft says following the enforcement of this new rule, the majority of libraries have complied, none have lost funding and no books have been removed.

"I believe that we should be cautious about the materials that we put in front of kids," Ashcroft said. "We we don't need to be putting age inappropriate material in front of kids."

Read more via link . . .

Public libraries, readers, writers react to new Missouri rule targeting young library patrons

Library leaders across Missouri are worried about new rule aimed at limiting access of certain materials to young patrons.
