Check hype from city hall along with our fact check . . .
"We're only 42% of the way through the fiscal year having resurfaced 423.35 miles! We're bound to crush last year's record!"
At this point we're obliged to provide perspective from mostly hidden parts of the city's website that put this humble brag in perspective . . .
"The City has approximately 6,000 lane miles of pavement surface. 2,700 lane miles are on the primary and arterial streets that connect neighborhoods and accommodate cross-town traffic. In residential areas, there are approximately 3,300 lane miles of streets."
And that is why local street are still full of potholes and bumpy as hell despite what locals might read online.
Read more via link . . .
Street Preservation Program | CITY OF KANSAS CITY | OFFICIAL WEBSITE
City Hall " Departments " Public Works Each year the Street Preservation team resurfaces streets throughout the City. This activity starts in late spring and is completed by late fall. The 2023-2024 resurfacing season includes contracts for resurfacing, microsurfacing, and crack sealing throughout the City.
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