Kansas Rep. Sharice Davids Offers Intern Opportunity In D.C. & Locally

From the BEST & BRIGHTEST denizens of our blog community . . . And because we've noticed that we've recently picked up a few more college readers. 

Here's a peek at job opportunities for ambitious souls . . . 

Kansas Rep. Sharice Davids is looking for interns. 

Here's a description of duties inside the Beltway . . .

"DC, interns' responsibilities will vary. They may be asked to answer phones, research legislation for the Member and legislative staff, attend hearings and briefings, and answer constituent letters and phone calls. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office."

Yeah . . .

Caution: Anybody going to work in D.C. should understand that they're going to learn A LOT about how politics REALLY works and it's going to be soul crushing. 

Closer to home . . . 

"Our District Offices connect with people in our community every day. Interns based in the Third District will learn about the details involved in constituent services, plan and execute outreach events, and assist staff on various projects. Interns may help constituents with issues they have relating to federal agencies, assist organizations applying for federal grants, or work to organize events within the district. Interns will spend much of their time responding to constituent concerns over the phone and in person." 

Translation . . .

The congress-lady needs these interns to work as metaphorical punching bags for so many middle-class white dudes with impulse control issues. 

Pro-tip . . . Giving people five minutes to share their beef & tire themselves out is proven tactic. 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .


Information and instruction for people seeking an internship in either the Washington DC or District Office.
