Kansas City Weed District Sparks Concern

Legal marijuana has changed the development game and now "high times" building threatens local neighborhoods. 

Here's a project on the outskirts of town that has sparked rebuke from people who would rather live next to an empty lot . . .

Some have also raised concerns about marijuana-friendly festivals held in the village, including one in which a 21-year-old overdosed after he took “Molly,” his girlfriend told authorities, according to a police report. “Molly” is a common nickname for MDMA. The man later died.

The village east of Kansas City, which has fostered a loose, business-friendly culture over the years, is largely unknown by many in the metro. It had an estimated population of just three people, according to the most recent U.S. Census data — although the number of people living there is disputed.

Eleven people were registered to vote in the village’s most recent election. The village’s contact email doesn’t work.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

In tiny KC-area village planning a weed district, developer's 'influence' raises alarms

"It seems like he's exerting influence on the local government," one village stakeholder said. "And then you figure out who all the relationships are, you can just tell he has the ability to influence these people."
