TKC Told You So: Kansas City Rent Suffers Highest Spike In Nation

We talked about this LAST WEEK but somehow it's news for lesser outlets this week . . . Here's a reminder of why basement living is more practical amid Bidenomics .  . .

According to research from, the Kansas City metro has seen the most significant yearly increase.

Kansas City has jumped 16.17% in just a year for monthly rent costs.

Read more via links . . .

Study says Kansas City experiencing largest rent increase among largest cities

Kansas Citians are seeing the highest rent increases among the nation's 50 largest markets, according to one study.

Kansas City metro sees highest rent hike in United States

Kansas City has the highest increase in rent prices this year, jumping 16.7% in just a year for monthly rent costs, reports.

Kansas City sees highest rent rate spike in the nation

It's no secret rental rates have skyrocketed nationally and here at home. According to research from, Kansas City has jumped 16.17 percent in just a year for monthly rental costs.

It's Official: Kansas City Had The Highest Rent Hike In The United States

Kansas City leads the U.S. in skyrocketing rent, deepening housing inequalities and jeopardizing the well-being of its most vulnerable residents.

Developing . . .
