Thanks to BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS we share this peek at the hard life of a Golden Ghetto granny enduring a battle with city hall . . .
One of 11 properties in eminent domain proceedings as Overland Park seeks easements for the second phase of the Knox Drive to 99th Terrace stormwater improvement project. After the easements are acquired, construction could start as early as late winter or the spring of 2024.
It’s part of a larger, $22 million multi-year effort to deal with flooding from 95th Street and Moody Park Drive to 101st and Connell streets. The larger project has about 800 homes in its area, and would affect about a half-square mile.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
This Overland Park woman is losing her yard to a flooding project
This 95-year-old woman's yard will be the staging area for a stormwater project, even though her home doesn't have flooding problems.
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