Missouri Political Gun Fight Awaits

Don't worry . . . We'll be battling with flimsy legislation from both sides and more than our fair share of partisan hackery that ignores a fundamental truth. 

It is the evil that resides in the hearts of men which inspires murder. Guns & laws are merely modern tools which enable those seeking power to impose their will and garner submission against those without skill or speed to do the same. 

And so . . . Here's another peek at political theater that hopes to keep distracting the electorate from the tragic and increasingly dangerous state of American healthcare . . .

The Democratic stronghold of St. Louis and other cities in the Republican-leaning state of Missouri would be blocked from cracking down on guns under a newly proposed constitutional amendment.

A petition for a November 2024 vote on the proposal, filed this week, also would require parents’ permission for minors to use and carry firearms. Missouri currently has no age restrictions on gun use and possession, although federal law largely prohibits minors from carrying handguns.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Missouri constitutional amendment would ban local gun laws, limit minors' access to firearms

City leaders have been trying for years to persuade Missouri's Republican-led Legislature to enact stricter gun laws.

Related reading . . .

Suit targets gun initiative over Missouri AG claim it would spike rape and murder, cost millions * Missouri Independent

A lawsuit seeks to block a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow local governments to enact certain gun regulations.

Proposed constitutional amendment would allow local governments in Missouri to enact stricter gun laws - Missourinet

A newly formed nonprofit wants to amend Missouri's constitution to allow local governments to enact stricter gun laws than the state currently has. The group is called Sensible Missouri, and it's planning to organize a petition drive to get the ball rolling on the proposed ballot measure.

Developing . . .
