Middle-Class White Prog Bloggers Encourage Allegations Of Quindaro Racism

Here's the thing . . . This progressive leader of the regional news cartel PROBABLY isn't talking about the Guv smacking down a Black rep who voted with the GOP and then earned racial rebuke and a line item smackdown . . . To be fair, here's their side of the story . . .

During a Kansas Reflector podcast, Mark McCormick, deputy executive director of strategic initiatives at the American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas, talked about racism in the state as seen through the lens of his recent report on Quindaro, “Same Water Comin’ Round: Quindaro as a Vision for Kansas.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

'Quindaro, the vision:' Kansas ACLU report points to historic site as blueprint for future - Kansas Reflector

A Civil War-era site has loomed large in Kansas history. Advocates say the site could also prove useful for confronting racism today.
