Labor Loves Lucas Kunce

We have given this former Marine a hard time about his fashion choices, sketchy stand on war with Russia and brash style.

Still . . . 

Credit where it's due . . . This weekend his campaign is on point with a strong push for labor and reform when it comes to funding candidates. 

Here's the word . . .

Kunce has already garnered the support of the AFL-CIO, the Missouri State Council of Firefighters and several other local unions throughout the state.

He vowed not to accept PAC monies or donations from federal lobbyists and big pharmaceutical companies. He recognized that this will put him at a financial disadvantage in light of Hawley's large fundraising efforts, but he said that he is confident that grassroots supporters will make him a strong contender in 2024.

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Democratic Senate challenger visits St. Joseph

A Democrat running against Sen. Josh Hawley for a U.S. Senate seat spoke about his campaign Thursday at Mokaska Coffee in Downtown St. Joseph.
