KCUR Celebrates Kansas City Trans Teacher

Local public radio pens a love letter to this local instructor who seems like a nicer person.

Given crappy teacher pay in Kansas . . . This suburban instructor is clearly doing a service given his choice of profession. 

Here's part of the story and more advocacy than journalism but still worth a read . . .

He says being transgender adds an extra layer of concerns.

A lot has changed since he transitioned several years ago. Both Missouri and Kansas have passed anti-trans laws, and parents-rights movements have worked to restrict LGBTQ teachers from talking about their own experiences or teaching material that includes gay, trans or nonbinary people.

It’s prompted him to take his passion as an educator to work outside the classroom to help businesses, nonprofits and parents better understand and support trans people.

“Living my life as trans can be really difficult and something that a lot of people need to understand more about,” he said. “It's kind of an intersection of being able to share who I am, and how to support others that identify this way.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

A Kansas City educator wants to 'make lives easier' for trans people. So he's teaching adults

Riley Long, a high school teacher in the Blue Valley School District, is taking his passion for educating outside of the classroom to help others learn how to be better trans allies.
