Kansas City UAW Claims Widespread Community Support Amid Strike Deadline

Again, something to consider . . .

If you have a job or know somebody who has a jorb. The impact of a potential UAW strike will, in fact, resonate across the nation and the world.


UAW strike threatens to cost the U.S. economy BILLIONS. 

A victory could trigger higher prices, trade conflict going forward and contribute to inflation.

If the Big 3 break the union, corporations will likely adopt similar tough strategies and suppress wages across the board.  

All things considered . . . This is looking more like a lose/lose for everyone.

In fairness, here's a more optimistic view from the front lines:

“There was a great deal of support from the community as a whole and we expect exactly that,”  UAW Local 31 President Dontay Wilson said. “Because to be quite honest with you, our members are the community and our members put so much into the KCK-metro area, both sides.”

The deadline for a contract is Thursday.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

'We're ready': Kansas City UAW president prepares for potential strike

KSHB 41's Abby Dodge spoke with one local union leader to understand why union workers might strike and what reduced strike pay could mean for its members.
