Kansas City Slavery Reparations Commish Debuts Recommended Reading List

A big meeting is coming up for the weekend . . . And so . . . To prepare . . .


The suggestions aren't so bad but only seem to offer opinions and info in support of slavery payback with very few arguments against the controversial cash move.  

Our conservative friends would be disappointed that there's not any reference to Thomas Sowell and his body of academic work that disputed a great deal of the reparations narrative. 

Nevertheless . . . The show goes on . . . Here's a peek at the commish, notes about the upcoming meeting AND the link to the reading list . . .

The Commission meets the 4th Tuesday of each month on the 10th floor of City Hall from 3 - 5 p.m. During the Commission’s regular meetings, Commissioners will discuss proposed solutions and provide space for public comments from any member of the public as well.

The Commission will also hold periodic public listening sessions, designed to hear feedback from the public on proposed reparations solutions, and will be streamed on the City’s YouTube and Facebook channels.

The next one will be Saturday, September 9, 1-3 p.m. at the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, 2310 E Linwood Boulevard in Kansas City. View the flyer for details.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City, Missouri Webste: Commission Suggested Reading List On Reparations
