Kansas City East Village Jail Coming Soon?!?

It seems like a new jail downtown would be a more likely & convenient than the sketchy idea for a baseball stadium that NOBODY seems excited to sell. 

In the meantime, here's more chatter about a deal that fell apart because most of KCMO business is conducted by Twitter nowadays . . . Check-it . . .

"For months, Kansas City had made moves indicating a preference toward working with Jackson County. The council passed ordinances directing city officials to collaborate on a jail facility. On Aug. 21, the City Council and County Legislature held a joint session to further discuss such a project.

"But the three options presented to city council last week did not instill confidence in a shared detention center.

"One option for a shared facility would cost Kansas City between $60 million and $72 million. A second shared option with an operational and maintenance space would cost more, between $183 million and $215 million. A third option for a separate city jail would cost between $179 million and $195 million. All three options require a community resource center for rehabilitation and diversionary programs that would cost an additional $61 million.

"J.E. Dunn, the construction company working on the new county jail, told city council last week that a shared jail would cost more in the long run . . ."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City decided to build its new jail separate from Jackson County's new jail. Why?

A letter from Mayor Quinton Lucas to Jackson County cited high costs as one of the main reasons the city will pursue an independent jail facility, ending months of talks with county officials.
