TKC MUST READ: Kansas City Pet Project FAIL Explained

This is a powerful statement that was also presented to council . . . Here are the basics and a crisis in the making . . . 

Despite stating, they would uphold animal ordinances, that was not the case and in fact citations, officer impounds, and cruelty and neglect cases all plummeted immediately. What has increased is impounds, bites and calls. They adopted polices from encouragement of Best Friends Animal Society and Human Animal Support Service. Both have aggressive means of avoiding impounds to save the animals in the shelters. No mention of the animals outside of the shelter who are turned away or left to fend for themselves.

KCPP claims intake has increased due to post pandemic and economic challenges. That is in part a problem for sure but the fact that unaltered pets roam the streets and produce litter after litter who are then turned out on to the street has created an explosion of pets in the Kansas City Community. Something we have not seen since early 2000’s.

A new but unsuccessful approach

The Community Sheltering approach they have adopted focuses on several things that have resulted in consequences in statistics KCPP will try to continue to cover up by continuing out tout they operate under all “national best practices”

These “best practices” come from national organizations (Best Friends) 2who is pushing for a No Kill Nation by 2025 and Human Animal Support Services. They have been pushing for no kill for 10 years now and keep pushing the date out as they incompetently push communities to strive for No Kill via the Best Friends way. They advocate that open admissions shelters should limit intake in order to achieve higher live release rates. This is what KCPP has done, changed from an open admissions shelter to a limited admissions shelter even though they state they are open admissions. They are not. It is by appointment only.

The philosophy is to save all animals –(Have a live release rate of over 90%) But when they say all, they only mean what is in the shelter. They have set up policies to lower intake for shelters to achieve this and now major grant foundations are requiring live release rates to be high in order to receive funding. This puts these shelters in competitive state and a drive to maintain higher live release rates. Ultimately, what the trend is moving towards is lowering the standards of care for pets in a community so they can more easily manage intake.

Read more via link . . .

Kansas City Animal Welfare... heading in the wrong direction
