Show-Me Abortion Rights Limits

For those who haven't read this already . . . Here's a peek at the sausage-making of public policy and how many progressives view this upcoming 2024 push . . .

Meanwhile, abortion-rights groups fight over language themselves while they look for the strongest changes they can make and still convince a majority of Missouri voters to cast “yes” ballots.

Of the 11 versions of the petition submitted to Ashcroft, abortion-rights supporters appear focused on six of them.

One would promise the right to abortion flat out. The others would give state lawmakers room to regulate. Three versions would let the General Assembly ban abortion after fetal viability (a point that’s coming earlier in pregnancy with medical advances). Two other versions would protect the right of abortion at least up to 24 weeks of gestation, three weeks before the end of the second trimester.

Read more via link . . .

Missouri groups looking for the strongest abortion rights that voters would back

Missouri organizers haven't decided which version of the abortion rights initiative petition they want to put to voters.

Related . . .

Jay Ashcroft wins latest legal fight over push to restore abortion rights in Missouri

The Missouri Secretary of State has been in the middle of arguments over proposed ballot initiatives seeking to restore abortion rights.

Developing . . .
