Overly Polite Kansas Immigration Conversation Accomplishes Little

Talking about our new Honduran friends seems like a great topic for debate . . . Even if the only conversation we ever REALLY cared about concerns washed up Brit hottie models.

Sadly . . .

A recent think-tank nonprofit gathering isn't a circle of jerks yelling at one another and firing off captivating content.

Instead . . . It's a bunch of nice people attempting to hash out their differences amicably . . . And NOBODY wants to watch/read or listen to that kind of thing.

Linked only remind us that fervent disagreement and just a bit of trash talk isn't such a bad thing . . .

"A diverse group of 10 Kansans from across the state started discussing the topics of immigration and demographic change late last year. They came at the topic from different perspectives. About half had voted for Biden and half for Trump in the 2020 election. But as they worked to complicate the narrative on two polarizing topics, they found surprising areas of common ground. Now they’re calling on others to join their conversation and make the most of our changing communities right now. "

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

'We've done it before': Becoming one, out of many

The debate over immigration and demographic change in this state, not to mention this country, too often feels adversarial and fruitless.
