Newsflash: Kansas City Disputes Downtown Stadium 'Economic Impact' Propaganda

Credit to the newspaper . . . They're discovering data and study that everyone else has been talking about for about 20 years.

Check their breakthrough and another hint that the home team might be taking a walk . . .

Asked by The Star to evaluate the team’s economic study of what a new stadium and adjoining ballpark district development would mean for the area’s economy, all three experts scoffed at the document’s claims. They characterized it as propaganda to support the team’s request for taxpayer support to build the $1 billion ballpark and $1 billion commercial district adjoining it.

“This is not a study; it is simply a bunch of assertions,” said Andrew Zimbalist, professor emeritus of economics at Smith College. “The scholarly studies on the economic impact of stadiums and collateral development do not support the claims made here.”

The experts don’t dispute that there may be benefits to a new stadium — if Kansas City wants to remain a big league city, it has to be willing to pay, or teams may go elsewhere. But the team should be honest and not promise economic returns that may not be reality.

Read more via link . . .

'Straight-up gaslighting.' Experts question Royals on new stadium's economic benefits

"Don't say you're not only gonna get a baseball team, but next year your economy will be like New York City's economy," one expert said. "That's just deceptive. And it's unnecessary."
