Kansas City Radio Legend 'Slacker' Shares Leukemia Fight

Credit one of Kansas City's best . . . He's using his medical struggle to raise awareness and involve more people in the fight against cancer . . .

"Slacker announced to his 101 The Fox audience his diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, AML . . . It is vitally important to Slacker to help others. He feels so very blessed and fortunate that his KU Cancer Center care team, #TeamGreen for our Irish lad, have found his Match. He will proceed with the transplant process immediately. He asks that, in addition to prayers for full healing and of support for his wife and their daughter, his 101 The Fox Family of Slacker-Backers take action. Right now, there are hundreds or people with this disease waiting every day, YOU could be their match."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Slacker Backers - YOU could save a life!

Slacker will be off the air for awhile, but he WILL absolutely return to 101 The Fox just as soon as he's back to whole health.
