Kansas City 2023 Homicides Outpace STL

I've yet to write a post title more terrifying in all the years we've run this blog.

We've always feared KC turning into STL . . . And under our current leadership, there is a clear sign that's the direction we're headed.

Check the data . . .

 "As of this past Sunday, St. Louis had 101 homicides so far in 2023. Kansas City had 128. Compared to this time last year, St. Louis has seen around a 20 percent decrease in homicides, while Kansas City has seen about the same percentage increase, according to criminologist Rick Rosenfeld.

"It turns out that St. Louis' drop corresponds with a drop that's occurred on average across all big cities," says Rosenfeld, who explains that big cities in the U.S. have on average seen a 12 percent drop in homicides so far this year. But Kansas City is bucking that trend. "

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City Is on Pace to Top St. Louis City in Homicides in 2023

St. Louis is seeing a 20 percent decrease in homicides this year, while Kansas City is showing a similar increase
