Kansas AG Kris Kobach Explains Organized Retail Crime Trending In Heartland

Follow-up and more deets . . . Here's the Kansas lawman offering insight and on the ground reporting about this trend that's taking hold across the metro and even in some of our nicer enclaves . . . Check-it:

Kansas and Missouri are among the top 10 most affected states due to their prime location, according to Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach.

"The reason is almost certainly the I-70 corridor, which has become a pipeline not only for drugs but also for organized retail crime. There is a link between drug trafficking and organized retail crime," Kobach said in prepared remarks for testimony before a House subcommittee in June. "The drug-addicted often become boosters in order to feed their habits, and some fences recruit them specifically."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Boosters, fencers, and cleaners: Inside cartels' newest criminal enterprise of organized retail theft

A nationwide retail theft epidemic cost the United States close to $100 billion in 2021. Stores are being forced to raise prices or shut up shop, insurers are refusing to help, and smaller mom and pop stores are being left behind. In this series, Mayhem on Main Street, the Washington Examiner will...
