Kansas AG Kobach Stays Winning Fed Ruling To Block Trans Changes To Birth Certificates

An important milestone in push back against "gender-affirming" public policy . . . Here are the basics:

"U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree approved Republican state Attorney General Kris Kobach’s request to block the changes because of a new state law rolling back trans rights. Kansas joins Montana, Oklahoma and Tennessee in barring such birth certificate changes."

A statement from Kansas AG Kris Kobach . . . 

"The Court’s opinion was well reasoned and thorough. The trans activists in this case attempted to nullify state law. The Court held that SB 180 means what it says – birth certificates in Kansas must reflect biological sex. As long as I am attorney general, the laws of Kansas will be enforced as written. The Legislature decided that birth certificates must reflect biological reality, and they were quite clear in how they wrote the law.  Today’s decision is a rejection of the activists’ and Governor Kelly’s attempt to twist the English language beyond recognition. The Court has told the Governor what the law clearly means. We now expect the Governor to follow the law and cease changing birth certificates to something other than biological sex at birth."


Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Kansas officials are no longer required to change trans people's birth certificates, judge says

A federal judge says Kansas officials are no longer required to change transgender people's birth certificates so the documents reflect their gender identities.

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Judge says Kansas shouldn't keep changing trans people's birth certificates due to new state law

A federal judge ruled Thursday that Kansas officials are not required to keep changing transgender people's birth certificates so the documents reflect their gender identities.

Developing . . .
