Hall Of Fame Football Career That Started In Kansas Proves Your Racist?!?

Apropos for the start of football season . . . Here's a peek a prog blog doing a bit of mental gymnastics and strengthening their own persecution complex. 

Also, it's important to acknowledge that this bit of tired prose is regarding one of the most successful and beloved football players ever to emerge from Kansas . . . Who was, in fact, never effectively held back by anyone.  

Check-it . . . 

But Black genius often gets overlooked in our culture, and the consequences are greater for Black athletes who tend to have fewer resources and fewer opportunities.

Barry really was something to see — if you could actually see him. That proved challenging without instant replay. The fleeting glimpses of Barry’s genius were almost just that: fleeting.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Rise of Kansas' Barry Sanders shows how Black talent was - and still is - overlooked - Kansas Reflector

Black genius often gets overlooked, and the consequences are greater for Black athletes who tend to have fewer resources and opportunities.
