DOJ Investigates Alleged KCFD Racism

Meanwhile, the petty personal politics and longstanding tradition of nepotism doesn't earn much mention . . . But even the most loyal first responder will groan about it, in private.

Here's what qualifies as local news tonight . . .

A spokeswoman for City Manager Brian Platt confirmed a federal investigation and adds the city is cooperating.

A City Hall source confirms with FOX4 the DOJ's inquiry is tied to allegations within KCFD of race discrimination.

Read more via links . . .

DOJ investigating KCFD on allegations of race discrimination

A spokeswoman for City Manager Brian Platt confirmed a federal investigation and adds the city is cooperating.

City Hall: Department of Justice investigating Kansas City, Missouri, Fire Department

A lawsuit filed by a firefighter against the city of Kansas City, Missouri, revealed the United State Department of Justice is investigating the city's fire department.

Developing . . .
