Show-Me EPIC Republican Budget Battle Against Guv Parson

A fun bit of play going into election season . . . The GOP might need the Democratic Party super minority to help out against the Guv on his way out the door.

Here's the overview . . .

Missouri lawmakers have an opportunity to be more than just upset: In September, they’ll return for the legislature’s veto session. It would take two-thirds of the House and the Senate to override Parson.

Even though Republicans could overturn Parson’s objections without any Democratic votes, Merideth said that any successful override will require bipartisanship.

“I think a lot of these things may have bipartisan support when we're talking about public safety, especially,” Merideth said. “These are things that passed the legislature and passed for a reason. I think it's very possible that we make a push together to override some of those vetoes.”

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Missouri lawmakers upset over budget vetoes may override Parson in September

Gov. Mike Parson vetoed roughly 200 line items in the Missouri budget, primarily contending that he wanted to prevent financial difficulties in future years.
