Lawrence, Kansas Prog Blog Weeps For 'Unhoused' Amid Storms

The sentiment is actually very nice . . . 

However, there's no word if the author invited any homeless over for dinner & snuggles.

Here's a more compassionate reading . . .

Can you imagine living without a home? Can you imagine living without the fundamental comfort of — as an architect friend of mine once put it — a thermally controlled space?

After the worst of the weather passed, we made our way upstairs and peered out the plate glass windows of the ice cream shop. The sky looked like a purple bruise, and torrential rain pelted the streets. Water pooled on street corners, creating instant lakes, turbulent with stripped tree branches. Every few minutes, a car would creep down the road, headlights blazing through the stormy murk. No one should be at the mercy of such elements.

Read more via link . . .

A powerful storm sledgehammered northeast Kansas. Amidst the chaos, I spotted lessons for us all. - Kansas Reflector

I was eating ice cream in downtown Lawrence with my out-of-town friend, her two daughters and my son when the tornado sirens erupted.
