KU Admissions Unscathed By SCOTUS Affirmative Action Crackdown

Credit where it's due . . . This Kansas conservative blog shares the best bit of news we've heard about a local institution that contradicts hysterical mainstream media narratives . . . Check-it . . .

The Regents system in Kansas, on the other hand, are “qualified admissions” schools.

“Because Kansas uses qualified admissions, the Supreme Court’s ruling will likely have minimal impact on our system,” KBOR Chair Jon Rolph said in an emailed statement. “Through qualified admissions, applicants to state universities in Kansas must meet minimum GPA or ACT requirements. If they do, they are guaranteed admission regardless of other factors.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

SCOTUS decision will have little effect on Kansas college admissions - The Sentinel

College admissions in Kansas are based on qualifications and don't give preference based on an applicant's race.
