Kansas City Star Guilt By Association: Sen. Hawley Connected To Antisemitism?!?

Just a quick consideration given that meme sh*tposting doesn't really spark our ire . . . 

If he didn't get the quote right, it's doubtful he knew the origin.

Of course, the newspaper seyz otherwise . . .  

As Hawley’s readers pointed out in a fact-checking Community Note appended to his tweet — the line is from a 1956 piece in a magazine, The Virginian, that was about Patrick Henry. Not by him. It appeared in another magazine, The American Mercury, as a Henry quote later that year and apparently took off from there.

The kicker? As historian Seth Cotlar of Willamette University pointed out, The Virginian was “virulently antisemitic (and) white nationalist magazine.” The American Mercury, for that matter, was also an “antisemitic rag.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Josh Hawley rings in July 4 with fake quote with antisemitic, white nationalist roots | Opinion

The Stanford honors history major and culture warrior extraordinaire prefers to get a little attention instead of celebrating our nation's independence together. | Opinion
