Kansas City Police Payout EPIC $500K After Body Slam Settlement

We warned our readers that the honeymoon wouldn't last long . . .

And now . . . Check criticism of the new top cop in the aftermath of the latest po-po payout following a courtroom battle . . .

Steve Young, co-founder of the Kansas City Law Enforcement Accountability Project, a local activist organization, recorded the interaction and has described the officer as having “body slammed” Nelson.

Despite the settlement, Young said Friday that more change still needs to happen within the police department.

“I want to put out a call out to Chief (Stacey) Graves: What are you going to do different, Chief Graves? Is there going to be some systemic change within KCPD or will you just go to the next (Board of Police Commissioners) BOPC meeting and ask for more money for settlements?” Young said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Cell phone video key to settlement in Kansas City police excessive force lawsuit

A Kansas City man has reached a $500,0000 settlement with the Kansas City Police Department after his attorney argued an officer used excessive force in slamming the man's head against the ground.

Man thrown to ground by Kansas City police officer settles lawsuit for $500,000

A bystander captured a video of the Aug. 8, 2022, encounter showing an officer forcing Mack Nelson's face onto the ground. A police report of the incident did not match the video.

Developing . . .
