Who Has Council Lady Shields Anointed As Her Successor?!?

Here are the facts about Katheryn Shields as we see them. . .

She's a top ranking power player in Kansas City.


And, in many ways, she offered critical behind the scenes civic leadership when Mayor Q was busy with one social justice crusade after the next.

We'd like to throw nothing but hateration her way HOWEVER there's no denying that she led the effort to push back silly dog houses for homeless people near downtown along with other schemes that negatively impacted her homies with all the cash . . . And for that, locals from J.E. Dunn all the way down were grateful. 

Again, for those who don't know . . .

Many people love her, a lot of influential people have nothing but absolute seething hatred for her. 

But there isn't any informed person who doesn't RESPECT her influence, reputation and work. 

Accordingly, today 4th-District At-Large council lady Katheryn Shields has picked her successor in a manner more direct than that KICK-ASS family drama about the 1% backstabbing their family over money staring Brian Cox . . . Which is odd because they both wear the same size pants . . .

C'mon . . . You didn't think I was gonna post this thing without at least one snarky joke at the expense of my betters???

But I digress . . .

Here's the word . . .

From Justin Short . . . "I’m thrilled to announce that current 4th District At-Large City Councilwoman Katheryn Shields has endorsed my campaign! Katheryn has held the 4th District At-Large seat for two terms, and I could not be more honored by her support."

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com link to the surprisingly popular tweet . . . 


In fairness and to even out coverage of the 4th District . . . Contender Crispin Rea also put out this notice recently . . .

You decide . . .
