More Terrifying Deets On EPIC Wait For Ambulance At Arrowhead

A cliché but also a fact of life . . .

In an emergency ever second counts.

Accordingly . . . The story of a LONG, LONG WAITING GAME FOR HELP AT ARROWHEAD serves as a warning about an ongoing dispatch & first responder crisis in Kansas City.

Check-it . . .

"The couple said they waited 15 minutes for 911 to answer their call and more than hour for an ambulance to arrive."

Read more via link . . .

Lee's Summit couple said they waited one hour for ambulance after being assaulted outside Arrowhead Stadium

A Lee's Summit man is demanding answers after he was assaulted outside Arrowhead Stadium and had to wait for more than an hour for emergency responders. Johnathan Scaletty and his wife Brandi were in the C-Lot at Arrowhead Stadium before heading in to the Luke Combs concert.

Couple attacked outside Arrowhead, says they sat on hold with 911 for almost 15 minutes

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - John and Brandi Scaletty describe a random attack by a group of men outside Arrowhead stadium that started with someone opening their hatch to their SUV. Others opened the car doors. John jumped outside the SUV questioning if maybe people had the wrong car when he was attacked by complete strangers.
