KCUR Campaigns For KC Tenants Power

The report is exceptionally complimentary . . . But strangely . . . Not one mention of the group's 501c4 status which allows most of their donations to remain secret.  

More to the point . . .


It may not be that important but still worth a look for local news junkies and denizens of the discourse:

"KC Tenants Power is a newcomer to Kansas City politics, having only formed last year. The June 20 general election will be the first big test of the group’s efforts to put candidates in office who represent working-class residents. The April primary saw all six candidates endorsed by KC Tenants Power earn enough votes to move on to the general election."

For close readers . . . We want to call this out before the election . . .

KC Tenants are playing up their influence by backing candidates who are already a shoo-in . . .

Neither council ladies Andrea Bough nor Melissa Robinson need much help from KC Tenants. 

Instead . . . We're going to be looking at how their main candidates perform . . .

Johnathan Duncan & Jenay Manley . . . 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

This election, KC Tenants Power gets its first shot at shifting the balance of power in Kansas City

After forming last year, KC Tenants' political organizing arm hopes to get its slate of six candidates onto the City Council in the June 20th election.
