We're coming down to the wire of silly season antics.
Here's an important argument confronting mainstream Democratic Party voters & the last few conservatives living inside cowtown city limits.
Again . . .
We want to remind readers . . . TKC isn't really about telling people how to vote. Unless it's something spicy, we're not really doing to dwell on deets for these contests as the election deadline moves closer.
Instead, we want to do is provide a big picture and offer context that will allow readers to make up their own minds. Our perspective and what makes this blog more valuable than social media garbage is that TKC readers understand how to read campaign finance forms and know what mail REALLY means. Which beats just posting a photo and getting "big mad" before election time . . . Which any mook on Reddit can do.
Accordingly . . .
Local unions getting tougher with KC Tenants Power and their "defund police platform" is a fight worth watching.
We rely on our community on this blog and here's the word from one of the MANY AWESOME INSIDERS who wanted to draw our attention to this evening blast.
"Just wanted TKC to know . . . I'm suffering mailbox overload. I guess the upcoming election is attempting create more work for the Post Office -- 10 mailers received today.
"I noticed one, important, truth piece on Duncan- done by a group that has received funding from carpenters, the firefighter union and police supporters. I think the tenant anarchists have finally come up against groups that they are not going to be able to bully."
Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com reader pix . . .

The deets according to this blast . . .

You decide . . .
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