Kansas City Star Reader: Fight Slaver History With Johnson County Rename

This morning the newspaper shares the ramblings of their last remaining readers who seem to be watching far too much MSNBC.

Check-it . . .

"Let’s not stop there. On the other side of state line is Johnson County, named after the Rev. Thomas Johnson, slaveholder and would-be (re-)educator of Native American children at the Shawnee Indian Mission. Some would call him controversial. I have a less generous word in mind. Because of the very nature of Johnson’s actions, the county should seriously consider changing its name."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Don't stop with Troost Avenue. Johnson County needs to change its name, too | Opinion

Troost. As a Dutchwoman, I know the word. In Dutch it rhymes with "toast" - pronounced "troast." It means consolation or comfort (ironically). I imagine that, as a physician, Benoist Troost must have provided some comfort to the sick, perhaps even consolation to the grieving.
