Kansas City Silly Season Behind The Scenes: Clay Chastain & Eric Wesson Flame War!?!

Actually, this conversation was civil and fair . . . And we're only sharing it because these e-mails went out to about two dozen people yesterday because still after all these years nobody uses Blind Carbon Copy.

However . . .

This exchange offers a glimpse at the struggle for candidates to garner coverage. 

Perspective . . . The NextGen mistakenly believe they have this problem beat because of social media. HOWEVER, what they don't realize is that BOTS DON'T VOTE and so far we haven't seen online love translate into real election power. 

And so without further ado . . . Take a peek behind the scenes into campaigning by way of e-mail:

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 2:30 PM, Clay Chastain <cchastain####@#####.com> wrote:

Mr. Wesson, are you just another unfair unprofessional-acting news outlet (like the Star,, Ch. 5, KCUR, etc.) that is trying to get Lucas reelected because of the color of his skin?

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023, 3:20 PM Eric Wesson <ericw@#####.com> wrote:


On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 01:11:58 PM PDT, Clay Chastain <cchastain####@#####.com> wrote:

Prove it

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023, 3:20 PM Eric Wesson <ericw@#####.com> wrote:

I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else!

Number 1 you stated by your own admission that you live in Virginia. Therefore you vote a provisional ballot.

Number 2 I did not endorse Lucas last time so your comment about voting him in because he is Black was unfounded and just plan silly.

You don't have a chance! It is not because of the media it's because of your platform and your personality. You ALWAYS begin with an attack then you want a favor.

I pass!! Good luck

ON Monday, June 12, 2023 at 04:36:14 PM CDT, Clay Chastain <cchastain####@#####.com> wrote:

No, but you have yet to prove you are a fair,  professional and objective journalist. Apparently, you know not your profession.

1. I said I live in both Missouri and Virginia. I am on the ballot legally-end of story for you. If the voters want to hold my dual residence against me they can.  You are not to be the judge of that-they are.

2. Refusing to cover my campaign because you think I can't win, or you think I have a flawed personality, is also unintelligent and irrelevant. Your job is to be objective, keep your personal opinion to yourself and just inform the voters of the facts. I am not asking you for an editorial opinion, just a fair shot at being fairly interviewed.

Your not endorsing Lucas is no excuse for not interviewing me. You say it has nothing to do with skin color, yet your other reasons don't ring true.

And please don't tell me about attacking. You have attacked me, mocked me and abused your power against me on Week in Review.

Now do your job (interview me), and stop making up lame excuses. Clay

You decide . . .
