Kansas City Metro Catholics Fear Rising Threats Ahead Of Religious Freedom Week

A local archbishop reminds us that "freedom isn't free" and alleged the growing persecution of his faith community. 

Here's the word . . .

The need for Catholics to defend their religious freedom is more urgent than ever, U.S. bishops say. Catholics face growing threats to their rights to live out their faith in public and serve the common good without threats, violence and coercion.

In recent years, the threats and acts against the religious freedom of Catholics have included attacks on Catholic churches and other places, attacks on the seal of the confessional, violations of conscience rights, discrimination in the workplace, discrimination against Catholic students, discrimination against Catholic adoption and humanitarian services, and more.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Archdiocese to celebrate Religious Freedom Week - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

"We must not fail at this moment to exercise our citizenship and make certain our voice is heard."
