Kansas City Loves LGBT Donuts

Quick thought . . . 

The right-wing needs better marketing and more opportunities to enjoy carby-goodness whilst pretending to share a worldview. 

But I digress . . . 

Posted for a bit of eye candy, to support local biz AND because we wanted to put something sweet on the front page so that our grumpy readers can take a brief respite from the culture war grind and realize that NOBODY will ever be mad about donuts . . . Check-it . . .

Ten dollars from each order of donut letters, mini donuts, or classic donuts will directly benefit Pride Haven through June. Founder and owner Andrew Cameron explains, “Donutology celebrates and fosters spaces of belonging, diversity, and inclusion, and supports and respects rights of individuals in the entire LGBTQ+ community.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

West Plaza Donutology Supports Pride Haven - IN Kansas City Magazine

Pride celebrations in Kansas City show no signs of slowing after a successful parade and festival buoyed spirits for the LGBTQ+ community. West Plaza donut shop Donutology is spreading the love with its custom Pride-themed donuts. Donutology specializes in from-scratch creations that allow customers to express themselves more fully, and the Pride line is chock-full...
