Jackson County Taxpayer Revolt Rising

More residents are pushing back against the courthouse and commiserating about exorbitant property tax assessment spikes. 

Here's one more discontent quote out of many . . .

“What we plan to do is teach people what they need to do to go down and push back against that assessment,” Joseph Jackson, a homeowner in the county and a former Board of Equalization member, explained. “We’ll have real estate agents there to tell you what the value of your house may be. We will have appraisers onsite to give you information on what houses have sold. We’re going to tell people those things that they need to know. July 10 is right around the corner and they’re not going to have much time to prepare.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Jackson County homeowner plans workshops to help others appeal home values

July 10 is the last day to appeal property tax assessments, which isn't a lot of time for those who say they still haven't received their letters.
