We've had an evolution about our thoughts on Stigall.
Back at the start of his KC career we were a bit more hostile . . . And delighted in arguing against him.
However . . .
Over recent years his DUI troubles have given us a different perspective . . . A very smart and formidable conservative is also human, flawed just like the rest of us.
And given that we've mellowed a bit and realize the point of this blog IS NOT a bully pulpit instead we hope explore, joke, note and consider Kansas City more effectively than most places.
And so . . .
The BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS point us toward Stigall's most recent consideration of The Prez & his recent struggles standing up straight . . . Stigall's strong sentiment would be "out of bounds" if not for the seething hatred directed toward former Prez Trump.
Like it or not, current opposition against the White House still doesn't come close to the anti-MAGA obsession.
Accordingly . . . On FB, the KC talker starts out with this . . .
"I’m commanded to pray for our leaders, and I do. But don’t ask me to pity them."
Check his tweet that explains more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

You decide . . .
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