TKC Must Read: Cashill Reconsiders LBJ's 'Great Society' FAIL

We don't want to ruin your Mother's Day . . . 

However . . .

This think piece from Jack Cashill offers an EXCELLENT overview of how bad policy can impact community, culture and nations.

Read closely and you'll discover nuanced writing that find common ground with notable African-American authors and even former Prez Obama . . . Check-it . . .

"Nationwide, it is estimated that more than five out of every six black children lived with both parents in 1950, a figure that had been fairly stable since Reconstruction. Then everything changed."

Read more via link . . .

If Reparations Are Due, The 'Great Society' Crowd Should Pony Up › American Greatness

In no sane part of this great country are reparations really due, but no one has ever accused California of undue sanity. Last week, as Kurtis Lee of the New York Times reported with a straight face, a California panel approved recommendations "that could mean hundreds of billions of dollars in payments to Black residents to address past injustices."
