Show-Me Rise Of Gambling Junkies

Amid the desperate push to pass sport gambling in Missouri, let's take a pause and realize the human devastation that gambling has already wrought upon mostly po'folk who don't know how probability & statistics work . . . Check-it . . .

The study found two out of three Missouri adults gambled within the last year and one out of twenty-five met the criteria for having a gambling disorder, with one in five considered at-risk gamblers, meaning they could easily slip into addiction.

“It’s an addiction that gets very little attention,” says Keith Spare, chair of the gambling advisory committee. “Gambling triggers the pleasure reward center and gives the body cues that what you’re doing is a good thing. It’s exciting or it helps ease emotional pain. But at the same time, it’s costing you more and more.”

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A study shows one in five Missourians could become gambling addicts.

A study shows one in five Missourians could become gambling addicts.
