Show-Me Library Crackdown Rules

Actually, a glimpse at the new library codes for Missouri don't seem all that bad on the surface.

The complaint is that there is a great deal of room for interpretation. And, the consequences for breaking the rules kinda treat librarians like criminals.

Moreover . . .

As always . . . Any Karen can bypass the system if she complains loud enough on social media.

But for now, here's how it's supposed to work . . . 

15 CSR 30-200.015 Library Certification Requirement for the Protection of Minors includes six requirements in order for libraries to receive funding from the state.

- Libraries must create and publish a written policy describing how they consider age appropriateness when selecting materials.
- Libraries are banned from buying materials that are “child pornography,” “pornographic for minors” or “obscene,” as defined by Missouri law.

- Libraries must create and publish a policy letting parents and guardians determine what materials their children can access.
- Library workers are banned from giving material to children that hasn’t been approved by parents.

- No “age-inappropriate” materials will be displayed in areas of libraries primarily used for children or teens.

- Events must designate which ones are appropriate for different age groups.

- Libraries will adopt a written policy letting parents challenge whether materials, events or displays are “age-appropriate.” Results of challenges must be published on a library’s website.

Libraries must submit their written policies to the state librarian every year by July 31.

Read more via link . . .

As new Missouri library rule takes effect, librarians say kids' access to books will be limited

A controversial administrative rule from Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft's office takes effect Tuesday, requiring libraries to change their policies in order to receive state funding. The new policy bans libraries from buying materials deemed obscene and from having certain displays in children's areas.
