Lenexa Crooks Target Bank Customers

A trend that isn't all that new has a catchy new social media nickname.

The bottom line . . . Crooks are now doing a bit of research in order to capture locals who aren't looking over their shoulders.

Here's the word . . .

"Jugging is when a victim is followed from a bank to a second location and robbed after leaving money inside their car"

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Lenexa police warn of uptick in 'jugging' burglaries near area banks

The Lenexa, Kansas Police Department is warning the public of an uptick in a particular type of crime occurring near area banks. The department says it has seen an increase in jugging cases. Jugging is when a victim is followed from a bank to a second location and then their money stolen after leaving it inside their car.
