Legal Crackdown Sends Trans Dude Packing

Sadly . . .This might be the whole point of culture war targeting . . . And, sadly, moving out isn't a tactic that will draw much sympathy from the conservative side of the aisle. 

Nevertheless  . . .

Here's part of the story . . .

"Legislators in Missouri and Kansas this session have introduced some 50 of the most restrictive anti-trans bills in the country. Most are still waiting to be heard but the political environment and accompanying rhetoric have some in the transgender community moving to safer states. Or seriously considering it."

Read more via link . . .

Alexx Abreu loves Kansas City. He says the city raised him, a transgender man, and taught him what it meant to be proud of his identity. Abreu has spent over a decade building a community here. To him, Kansas City used to feel like a sanctuary, a small, progressive piece of the Bible belt where he could be himself. But now, that has changed.

Alexx Abreu no longer feels protected as a trans man in Kansas City, so he's moved to Colorado

Alexx Abreu loves Kansas City. He says the city raised him, a transgender man, and taught him what it meant to be proud of his identity. Abreu has spent over a decade building a community here. To him, Kansas City used to feel like a sanctuary, a small, progressive piece of the Bible belt where he could be himself. But now, that has changed.
