The circumstances of this story are tragic and possibly enough to inspire a great deal of sympathy amongst middle-class denizens who mostly e-mail each other back & forth all day.
The good news . . . If we're fighting racism at the Symphony that means we probably defeated it everywhere else.
Here's the sitch:
The 31-year-old has been denied tenure, leaving him with no job and no health care with less than a year left in his cancer treatment.
He says the symphony held him, the only Black musician brought in for a long-term position, to a higher standard than his white counterparts. He felt isolated and, at times, treated inappropriately by staff due to his race.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
First Black musician on tenure track at KC Symphony lost his job. Was it due to racism?
In early May, internationally acclaimed percussionist Josh Jones sat unemployed and holding back tears inside the Kansas City home he had purchased to be closer to his mother. Only weeks before, he had felt like a very different Josh Jones: Principal percussionist of the Kansas City Symphony, and almost, the first Black man to receive tenure in the institution's 40-year history.
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