Kansas City Faith Blogger Fears Future Power Of Social Media & A.I.

The top local writer on faith and morals in Kansas City shares a moment of doubt in tech and the opportunities it provides . . . Here's the word . . .

"The relentless hunt for profits has so warped the bright early promise of social media that we might, as a society, be better off if they all just shut down . . . Even more distressing, something that has great promise but may become even more destructive than social media platforms' use of algorithms is Artificial Intelligence. We seem to be rushing forward into an A.I. future that none of us truly understands and that carries with it dire possibilities for making our political, social, economic and religious divisions even worse."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Can humanity ultimately survive social media and Artificial Intelligence?

A year ago this month, in this blog post, I wrote about the various ways our society, our peace, our politics and our understanding of truth is being undermined by social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.). That post links you...
