Kansas Activists Challenge Trans Regret Fear

Regret is human nature . . . 

Most people have dozens of regrets regarding their lives ranging from marriage, to career choices and even down to breakfast options. 

Regret is a common state of affairs for most humans.

For instance . . . We're pretty sure Anheuser-Busch regrets their marketing decisions after enduring more than 5 BILLION worth of market cap losses.

In fairness, here's a prog blog screed arguing that trans people are beyond reproach and not subject to a very common human sentiment . . . At least according to "the science" they share . . .

"The Kansas legislature was hyper-focused on isolating and targeting transgender youth in Kansas even though we know the stakes are this high.

"The explanation some legislators are giving for bills banning gender-affirming care stems from the assumptive idea that people will change their minds. This is, at best, speculation and is certainly a flimsy justification for creating punitive measures targeting children and their medical providers.

"This claim also stems from outright ignorance over the process of transgender medical treatment. Intense psychological examinations take place before starting treatment is even considered. Did our legislators claim to know more about this process than our medical care providers trained specifically to handle these medical issues?

"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health says evidence of later regret is scarce, with less than 1% of people who have transitioned expressing regret for their decision. Perhaps our legislators should examine actual medical procedures and the large body of data-driven evidence stating gender transition is not something people come to later regret."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Legislature targeted trans children at the expense of fixing real problems for young Kansans - Kansas Reflector

In its 2023 session, the Kansas Legislature developed a set of priorities in the name of helping children, apparently without regard for what the children of Kansas need. Lawmakers myopically and dangerously focused on transgender children, with the likely potential for truly unimaginable consequences.
